What Used to be the News
Goodbye Serena
After nearly 3 years with the Copier Program, Program Assistant Serena Berns moved on to a new position in a different city this past March. Lucie and Bill remain with the program, and will continue to work hard to serve your needs. Thanks Serena for the great work, and best of luck onwards!
MacOS 12.0.1 - Monterey
The Copier Program is able to support Macs using OS 12.0.1, Monterey, released 10/25/21. While there may be issues with particular computers, we have worked out a process that enables easy setup of all Mac devices.
Copier Program and COVID-19
Copier Program staff remain onsite at Baskin Engineering to provide service and supplies to essential staff using Copier Program devices at UCSC's main campus, Scotts Valley Center, and the Ocean Sciences Complex.
If you need service or supplies, please email us, or phone 831-459-5799. If you are in a location that is locked down (due to the 3/20/20 Campus Directive) please arrange with staff at which door to meet to receive the supplies, and to give access to Copier Program staff or vendor staff when needed.
We are currently assessing which devices are most in use, and will begin a device decontamination program after Monday, 3/23/20. More information can be found here.
Copier Program Key Operators, please leave your devices on, but asleep, for the duration of this crisis. Due to the 3/20/20 Campus Directive Copier Program staff will continue to need remote access Copier Program devices, and we cannot do so if our machines are powered off.
If you have any questions or needs regarding your device, Pharos Uniprint access, etc., please email us, or phone 831-459-5799.
Copier Program and UCPATH
UCPATH changed UCSC employee IDs effective 1/2/2020. Copier Program changed the employee ID, and thus the password/PIN, in Pharos for all staff and faculty. Students continue to use the password/PIN based on their student ID. The Copier Program made these changes on 12/30/2019.
All staff and faculty can visit the UCPATH Employee Self-Service portal or CruzPay to obtain their new employee ID, if they haven't gotten it from other sources. The last four digits of the new UCPATH employee ID is the new Pharos login password/PIN for staff and faculty.
So, to be clear: Staff and faculty's 4-digit password/PIN for Pharos Uniprint that's based on their old, 9-digit employee ID no longer allows them to log in to Pharos. However, when they know their new, 8-digit UCPATH employee ID they will be able to use its last 4 digits as their password/PIN to successfully log in and use Copier Program's Pharos-enabled devices.
We have a new Program Assistant!
On April 1, 2019, Serena Berns joined Lucie and Bill at the Copier Program. A recent graduate of UCSC, Serena brings a wealth of customer service experience, a quick mind, and a great attitude to her new role. We're excited to have her onboard! If you see her around campus with Lucie during their day-to-day operational duties, be sure to say hello.
Fixing January's Billing
Due to a number of FOAPAL line items being zeroed on the submission of our monthly upload to FIS, the Copier Program has had to issue a supplemental billing to complete January's billing. The FIS journals are dated 4/19/2019, and we've sent out reports by email explaining the situation. If you have any questions, please contact Bill at 95273.
We have a new Email for Service and Supplies - EFFECTIVE 12/7/2018, afternoon
Our old, old, old email server died in December.
So, we have a new email server, and a new email address for our service and supplies. Everyone previously used ps_copiers@ucsc.edu (or one of its analogs, ps_copiers@copierprogram.ucsc.edu or service@copierprogram.ucsc.edu) to request service or supplies, or for other interactions with the Copier Program.
Effective immediately none of those addresses exist, so your emails to them will bounce and not be received by the Copier Program.
From now on, the email to use for service, supplies, or other communications with the Copier Program is copierprogram@ucsc.edu.
We've Upgraded Pharos to version 9.1 (11/14/2018)
The Pharos system upgrade is complete as of 11:15 am on 11/14. All users should have access to all processes on Pharos-enabled devices. Thank you for your patience while we upgraded our system!
Phishing Ruse Regarding Toner (7/2018)
A Copier Program customer received a phishing call in July, 2018, relating to their copier's tone. “Scott Thomas” of “Corporate Services” called, requesting information and talking about prices for toner rising. When the customer said they were part of the Copier Program, and as such got their toner from us, “Scott Thomas” hung up the phone.
As Copier Program customers, you always deal directly with the Copier Program for your toner, and should never need to talk about it with anyone from Ricoh, Canon, or any other vendor. If you ever get calls about toner, paper, or other supplies for your Copier Program device(s), please direct the caller to us at 9-5799. NEVER give any device, ProCard, or other information to an unsolicited caller.
And if anyone gets a call from “Scott Thomas” of “Corporate Services” with a protected phone number, please let us know at 9-5799 or copierprogram@ucsc.edu. Don’t get phished!